Listen to me bitch and moan about life
Has anyone implemented it ?
Published on June 10, 2008 By CaptainK230 In Sins Modding

I am fooling around with some of the files making a little mod, and I was just wondering, has anyone implemented boarding action which would let you take control of an enemy ship?

on Jun 10, 2008
Yes, and it's pretty easy to do.. there's already an ability (Dominate) that transfers ship ownership to yourself. It should fairly simple to make a new ability combining something like the colonize ability launch vehicles with the effect of Dominate to simulate boarding.

You can even do fancier stuff with giving it a success chance, instead of 100% guaranteed.
on Jun 10, 2008
Thank you, I will go look at that.
on Jun 10, 2008
what happened to the thread where you could submit ideas about the expansion pack?
on Jun 10, 2008
what happened to the thread where you could submit ideas about the expansion pack?

Why are you asking that here?
on Jun 10, 2008
because i cant find it anymore lol